Elecampane Root . Inula Helenium

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  • Elecampane Root . Inula Helenium 


    Comfrey (Latin Sýmphytum) is a genus of perennial forest herbaceous plants of the Boraginaceae family, common throughout Europe from Western Asia to the British Isles. It grows in moist fertile soils, often along the banks of rivers and streams. It reaches a height of more than a meter. For many centuries, it has been used in folk medicine to treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, fractures, sprains, bruises, wounds, ulcers and other diseases. There is documentary evidence of the use of comfrey root by Avicenna and Paracelsus. In the Middle Ages, it was part of the "elixir of life".

    Comfrey plant properties are determined by its chemical composition-

    - allantoin is the most important compound that determines the main properties of comfrey (in winter, the roots contain the maximum amount)

    - alkaloids are contained in small quantities: cynoglossine (symphytocinoglossine), consolidine and their decay products (consolicine, choline and others).

    - vitamin B12

    - flavonoids

    - tannins (pyrocatechin group)

    - plant mucus (water-soluble polysaccharide)

    - plant acids (phenylcarboxylic acids: lithospermic, oxycinnamic, chlorogenic, neochlorogenic, caffeic; rosmarinic acid - caffeic acid dimer)

    - starch

    - proteins

    - tannins

    - inulin

    - triterpenes

    Comfrey properties - the plant has:

    - anti-inflammatory,

    - antimicrobial,

    - antimycotic,

    - enveloping,

    - wound healing,

    - astringent effect.

    Comfrey is very beneficial for the human body. Due to the content of allantoin, comfrey stimulates the regeneration of hyaline cartilage cells lining the inner surface of the joints, accelerates the formation of bone callus, promoting rapid regeneration of damage and tissue restoration. The alkaloid allantoin has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect. Comfrey roots are especially rich in vitamin B12, an essential element of the hematopoietic system, which is also responsible for proper metabolism. Comfrey is also a champion in potassium content, it contains polysaccharides, tannins, inulin and protein compounds. Rosmarinic acid helps suppress inflammatory processes, fights free radicals and has an analgesic effect.

    Benefits of comfrey

    Comfrey got its name for its ability to have a nutritious effect on bone tissue. Comfrey extract relieves swelling, stimulates the growth of new bone tissue and articular cartilage cells. Due to the action of biologically active components of the plant, joint swelling decreases, its mobility increases, and joint pain is relieved. The main feature of comfrey is its ability to accelerate the restoration of damaged tissue, especially bone. The use of comfrey preparations for bone fractures promotes the formation of callus and faster healing.

    Comfrey preparations presented in our product range.

    Comfrey extract, balm for joint pain "Monastic Finds".

    Comfrey preparations help reduce inflammation and pain in the joints, back, lower back, muscles and ligaments, accelerate the restoration of damaged tissues in fractures, sprains, therefore they are often included in preparations for external use.

    Comfrey application:

    - rheumatoid arthritis;

    - osteochondrosis of the spine and intervertebral hernias;

    - joint deformations and injuries of the musculoskeletal system:

    - fractures, dislocations, ligament ruptures;

    - polyarthritis, osteoarthrosis;

    - bursitis, osteomyelitis, gout;

    - sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, radiculitis;

    - bone tuberculosis;

    - pulmonary tuberculosis;

    - chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis;

    - all types of bleeding (internal and external);

    - gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

    - gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis, dysentery;

    - thrombophlebitis.

    External use of comfrey:

    - for long-term non-healing wounds, bruises, injuries, burns, cuts;

    - in the form of gargles for sore throats, stomatitis, pharyngitis;

    - rubbing and compresses for injuries and inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system.

    Comfrey health benefits

    Comfrey benefits for men

    Comfrey extract is widely used externally as a wound healing agent, in the form of gargles for sore throats, stomatitis, pharyngitis. Comfrey accelerates tissue regeneration, so it is used for wounds, fractures, bruises, joint injuries. In the treatment of osteoarthritis, gout, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis of the spine, rheumatoid arthritis, rubbing and compresses prepared on the basis of comfrey extract are advisable.

    Comfrey benefits for women

    Comfrey preparations help to maintain female beauty and attractiveness, because with systematic use they improve the condition (strengthen) hair, teeth and nails.


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